What is the Neighborhood Report?

The Neighborhood Report summarizes the neighborhood data found on the Neighborhood pages. It includes charts and statistics about the housing, people, economics, and quality of life of the neighborhood.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Click on the tabs below to see step-by-step instructions.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Click the Reports tab and select any report title to be taken to the Reports page, make sure the address or area is showing at the top of the page, then select which report you would like to create.  Next, scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Email to.  Enter the email address or multiple email addresses (separated by commas) in the field provided, then click the Run Report button.

Click the Reports tab and select any report title to be taken to the Reports page, locate the report you would like to delete under My Reports. Under the report, click the arrow in the menu box, then select Delete Report.

The full Neighborhood Report is about 10 pages. You can choose the content in your report by clicking the plus sign to the right of the report name. Hover your cursor over the information i (next to each element), to see a description.

Click the Reports tab and select any report title to be taken to the Reports page, locate the report you would like to share under My Reports.  Under the report, click the arrow in the menu box, then select Post on Facebook.

Sorry, but you cannot create a Neighborhood report for a custom drawn area. You can enter an area in the search bar or select a geography on the map to create a Neighborhood Report.

Need Help?

If you need additional assistance, contact RPR Member Support at (877) 977-7576 or open a Live Chat from any page of the website.

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