Real estate app makes open house profitable

Twenty minutes before Nicole Nicolay heads to her open house, she logs onto RPR, prints one Mini Property Report and one Neighborhood Report, puts them into her bag and hits the road.

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Learn why a Realtor® would only bring one handout to her open house.
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“Ding! I heard her phone’s notification system go off. She came down the stairs, phone in hand, smiling. ‘Wow, I just got a report from you,’ she exclaimed. ‘It says my house is worth $525 thousand. Is that true?’ she asked.

Nicole Nicolay, REALTOR®
Love Livermore

“Well, we can find out,” I said. “Let’s get together at your place to talk more. I’ll get an idea of what you’ve done to the property and we’ll rerun the numbers to confirm.”

“Days later I listed her beautiful home for the RVM valuation of $550 thousand. From there, we found her new house without having to move her and her family into a temporary place. And she was so impressed by my spot-on analysis and responsiveness that she referred me to a family relative, who also bought and sold through me.”

Sure, Nicole recognizes that this, in all, was an incredible experience. Yet, what’s important is that she had the wherewithal to listen to an open house visitor who thought she wasn’t ready to buy and took the bull by the horns to bring forth a deal. And the common thread? Realtors Property Resource.

“It may seem as if I didn’t put a lot of effort into my open house, but rest assured, I’m backed by a powerful and seamless system that does all of the work for me,” said the veteran real estate pro working out of Pleasanton, Calif. That—and anyone who knows her will tell you, her cheery disposition and shrewd business acumen—are the trifecta of successful open house strategies.

“A woman with two kids in tow appears in the doorway and within seconds exclaims she loves the house but wasn’t ready to buy” said Nicole. “She said she’d have to sell her house first and find temporary accommodations while searching for her next home so that she could make a firm offer. The market is that competitive here.

“The woman also admitted that she was feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of uprooting her family twice, as anyone would be. I knew at that moment I could ease her fears and set her on the right path, ensuring her that the process can be streamlined by an agent with the right tools at her disposal––and, secretly, I knew I was that agent.

“So I made a simple suggestion: ‘Let’s check out what your house is worth. Give me your address and while you look around, I’ll see what I can come up with.’ She looked at me with a quizzical expression but decided to play along.

“My soon-to-be new client said she thought her house could sell for about $500 thousand, so as she turned the corner toward the dining room, I jumped into RPR, entered her address, created a property report complete with RPR’s Realtor Valuation Model® (RVM®), and texted it to before she finished touring the second floor.

Published On: April 13th, 2018Last Updated: February 19th, 20212.7 min readCategories: Tips / StrategyTags: ,

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