Top 3 Underused Commercial Search Functions

The actions taken to do a property search really haven’t changed much since real estate and the internet first came together. For decades now we’ve gone to listing sites to be immediately greeted by that oh so familiar search bar, and within a few clicks (with a little help from the magic of the internet), properties of all shapes and sizes pop up. In RPR Commercial the same basic process holds true, but the use cases for search have grown well beyond just finding available space. With that in mind, I wanted to share a few of my favorite, but perhaps lesser-known, non-listing search functions.

Finding Sold Comps

This is a close relative of doing a listing search, but utilizes our public record data and date fields to locate sold properties that you can use in your broker opinion. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Visit
  2. From the homepage, switch the toggle to Commercial.
  3. Select “For Sale” from the “Type/Status” dropdown.
  4. Add a check next to “Closed”, also check “Include public records solds”
  5. Now enter a closed timespan here.


Most commercial agents are constantly on the lookout for potential clients. What better way to find them than by knowing which properties in your market may be at the end of their hold periods? RPR can help you find them. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to Search and make sure the “All Property” radio button is selected.
  2. Click Advanced to the far right of the search bar and scroll down to the Sold Date range.
  3. Use the Date Range option and click within the calendars to set a range, for example, 01/01/10 – 12/31/10 to find all properties that haven’t sold since 2010.

Multiple Area Search (With Save Function Bonus)

Nowadays your standard geographies aren’t always the best way to do a search. Maybe you want to search in multiple zip codes, or all the Opportunity Zones in your area, or maybe even a custom area drawn with a polygon tool. With RPR you can break through standard geography boundaries and search exactly where you want to. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Start by selecting Research from the main navigation. Then choose Commercial Map Analysis.
  2. Enter your geographic area.
  3. Choose how to search. For instance, you can select the Opportunity Zone geography layer and select each zone or you could use the polygon drawing tool and create a custom area.
  4. If you select multiple standard geographies like Opportunity Zones you will see an orange-shaded area appear where you can click the Search option. If using Draw a Custom Area, you will see the option to search the geography appear in the pop-up box.
Published On: September 23rd, 2019Last Updated: February 19th, 20212.4 min readCategories: Tips / StrategyTags:

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