Commercial: Financial Details
The Financial Details section offers unique indicators, estimates, risk measures, and contextual information to enable you to gain a broad market perspective as well as property-level insight. The Financial Details section is shown for any commercial property when data is available.
Need help understanding the scores and values? Click the buttons below to see the definition of each term. Terms are in alphabetical order.
Terms A through I
Adjusted Prop. Value
When the assessor supplies an estimated property market value, it appears here. When assessors supply only an assessed value, an estimated market value is created by using comparable sales.
Building Square Footage Estimated
A model-driven estimate of building square footage is supplied when assessor data are absent or are questionable.
Default History
It tells whether a mortgage default has occurred under the current owner or a prior owner.
Default Risk based on Property Usage
An external database of credit risk concentrations at the census tract level is utilized and produces ratings of A, B, C, D, or F, which operate like school grades: A = lowest default risk & F = highest risk. N = not available.
Est. Prop Change Current Owner
Property value change using an industry property price index.
Financial Risk Score (Insurance)
If financial risk is high, it is likely to translate into increased numbers of insurance claims and severity of claims. This score relies on property characteristics plus owner-default and loan characteristics. A score of 100 = national average; scores below 100 = less risk; scores over 100 = more risk.
Terms J through M
Local Area Credit
An external database of credit risk concentrations at the census tract level is utilized and produces ratings of A, B, C, D, or F, which operate like school grades: A = lowest default risk & F = highest risk. N = not available.
Lot Size Type
S = square footage; A = acres
MTG Risk Score
This score pertains to properties that have loans now and also are located in areas with adequate notice of default history data. This score is to judge default risk on existing commercial mortgages. A score of 100 = national average; scores below 100 = less risk; scores over 100 = more risk.
Multi Parcel Property
A “Y” in this field means that the parcel is part of one or more of the three different multi-parcel property groups as defined by the three fields that follow.
Multi Parcel Identifier Loans
This field holds the FIPS/APN of the primary (most valuable) parcel in a multi-parcel property, defined as all parcels that are collateral on the same mortgage loan provided to a single property owner.
Multi Parcel Identifier Owner and Address
This field holds the FIPS/APN of the primary (most valuable) parcel in a multi-parcel property, defined as all parcels at the same address. Owners of these parcels may be the same or different (for example, a commercial condominium building with different owners)
Multi Parcel Identifier Address
This field holds the FIPS/APN of the primary (most valuable) parcel in a multi-parcel property, defined as all parcels at the same address. Owners of these parcels may be the same or different (for example, a commercial condominium building with different owners).
Multiple Source Property Use
When sources other than the assessor suggest a specific property use, this number indicates the level of confidence that the use supplied is accurate.1 = very high confidence; 2 = high confidence; 3 = moderate confidence; 4 = uncertain.
Terms N through Z
New Applicant Underwriting Score
This score is designed for lender underwriting purposes when a new borrower approaches them to seek mortgage financing when buying a commercial property. All records have a score based on property and local risk characteristics, not on the new borrower. A score of 100 = national average; scores below 100 = less risk; scores over 100 = more risk.
No. of Refis or Equity Loans
For the current owner, the total number of refinance or equity loans ever secured during the time of ownership.
Owner Occupancy
Is the property owner-occupied? Y = yes or N = no; U = unclear. P means owner occupancy is “probable.”
Property Use Reliability Score
When sources other than the assessor suggest a specific property use, this number indicates the level of confidence that the use supplied is accurate. 1 = very high confidence; 2 = high confidence; 3 = moderate confidence; 4 = uncertain.
Property Use Derived from Owner
Additional source data suggest that the property’s current use can be described more specifically than, or differently from, the use supplied by assessors.
Property Use Risk Score
Risk based on property use is graded by ratings of “A” (lowest risk) through “F” (highest risk). It is determined by a database of risk based on property use, looking at the most recent two-year default rates on commercial mortgages in 97 use categories. This database is updated monthly using notices of default.
Questionable Tax Square Foot
Analysis suggests there is a problem with assessor-supplied building square footage. This most often occurs on properties with multiple buildings, where the size of only one building may be reported.
Special Risk Characteristics (1, 2, 3)
Special risk characteristics are noted here (up to three), like a tenant in business over ten years (low risk) or having a second mortgage simultaneously (high risk). They are numbered 1, 2, or 3 with no emphasis on their order.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Financial Details section is shown on commercial properties when data is available.
There is no difference between the Special Risk Characteristics. Three fields are available for this information, so if there is more than one Special Risk Characteristic, the others are numbered in no particular order.
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