Search by MLS, CIE, or Listing Data Partner
Search for listings within an MLS, CIE, or listing data provider using our Organization search filter. Go to the advanced search filters and select one or more options from the drop-down menu.
Choose to search within:
Select the “More Filters” button at the end of the Search Bar.
Scroll down the page until you reach “Organization.” Click the arrow in the drop-down menu to view all the MLSs, CIEs, and listing data providers you have access to—only those you have access to will show in the drop-down menu. Select as many as you would like to search within.
Did you know?
RPR has more than 900,000 searchable Commercial listings provided by our Commercial Data Partners, MLSs, and Commercial Information Exchanges.
Data Sharing in RPR
Follow these steps to learn more.
Go to your Profile Menu and select Profile.
Scroll down to the MLS or CIE Info section, then click Listing Data Access: You can view On Market Listings and Historical Data.
Make a selection from the Filter drop-down menu to see MLSs that share or don’t share with me or see all MLSs. You can choose any one of the 50 States.
Frequently Asked Questions
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If you need additional assistance, contact RPR Member Support at (877) 977-7576 or open a Live Chat from any page of the website.