RPR app: How do I create a Buyer Tour?

Pick multiple properties to share with your buyer via text or email. Our Buyer Tour, available in the RPR Mobile™ app, includes a side-by-side comparison and individual pages of each property with a photo, map, and property facts.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Click on the tabs below to see step-by-step instructions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the links below

For the best experience, we recommend using an up-to-date mobile phone and the most recent operating system version. Android users must also have Google Play Services installed.

Supported mobile Operating Systems:

Android 7.0 or higher
iOS 15.5 or higher

The RPR Mobile™ app supports Android (OS 7.0 and higher) and iOS (OS 15.5 or higher) phones. If you are working on a tablet, we encourage you to visit our responsive website at narrpr.com.

The Buyer Tour is only available in the RPR Mobile™ app at this time.

Need Help?

If you need additional assistance, contact RPR Member Support at (877) 977-7576 or open a Live Chat from any page of the website.

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