What are RVM® and AVM estimated values?
RVM® and AVMs are estimated values that are the result of multiple automated valuation models that use proprietary algorithms to provide an estimated property value. RVM® and AVMs can be included in a Seller’s Report, Property Report, and Mini Property Report.
RVM® (REALTORS Valuation Model)
Includes on-market and off-market MLS listing data, plus publicly recorded sold data. An RVM® is our most accurate estimation.
AVM (Automated Valuation Model)
AVM values are based solely on publicly recorded sold data.
If you would like to omit an RVM® or AVM from your report, see FAQs at the bottom of this article.
RVM® is tested continuously by leading independent testing companies, and has shown consistent high performance for both accuracy and hit rate–the primary measures of AVM quality–across multiple markets and a wide variety of market conditions.
What is an RVM® or AVM confidence score?
The RVM® or AVM Confidence Score defines the level of confidence in a property’s RVM® or AVM estimated value. A five-star rating is considered the highest confidence rating and zero the lowest.
What is an RVM® or AVM estimated Range?
The RVM® or AVM Estimated Range is based on the confidence score for the property’s estimated value. A property with a high confidence score will show a narrow estimate range. A property with a low confidence score will show a wider estimate range.
What are the display rules for properties shown on the RVM/AVM Details page?
Click the View Details button under the RVM or AVM on the Property Information page to see a sampling of properties that were used when calculating the RVM/AVM.
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