How are Neighborhoods defined on the Map?

Select a neighborhood type (Macro, Intermediate, Minor, or Micro) from the Show Geographies menu on the Map to search in this area, view Market Trends, and create a Neighborhood or Market Activity Report. Read on to learn how each neighborhood type is defined.

Macro Neighborhoods

Macro neighborhoods are the largest neighborhood type and typically cover a large portion of a city, such as Midtown in New York City, and can include residential, commercial, industrial, and recreational areas. Due to the broad coverage of a Macro neighborhood, there are typically fewer than twenty-five per metro area with a low density per square mile of coverage. Macro neighborhoods will always encompass at least one other neighborhood type.

Intermediate Neighborhoods

Intermediate neighborhoods cover the types of polygons that we normally associate with the term ‘neighborhood.’ They tend to be small to medium-sized and can also cover residential, commercial, industrial, and recreational areas. There can be a great difference in neighborhood density from metro to metro depending upon the social, political, and territorial characteristics of the area.

Minor Neighborhoods

Minor neighborhoods represent smaller, locally known areas within an existing Neighborhood, primarily in an urban setting. In a city, they tend to be infrequent and cover a smaller section of the city, perhaps a couple of blocks. They are often used to represent an important area of the city that is compact, such as Pike’s Place Market in Seattle.

Micro Neighborhoods

Micro neighborhoods are found in urban and suburban areas and are comprised primarily of single-family homes and apartment complexes that are recognized by local citizens as where they live. They may include features associated with the housing community, such as schools, playgrounds, and parks. Micro neighborhoods are typically grouped very densely in these areas.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the links below

The Neighborhood Report summarizes the neighborhood data found on the Neighborhood pages. It includes charts and statistics about the housing, people, economics, and quality of life of the neighborhood.

The Market Activity Report showcases what is happening in the local real estate market. You can include new listings, closed sales, price changes, expired listings, open houses, and more. Market Snapshots display data for estimated home values, sale price, and list price, in the form of stats and map layers.

A Market Activity Report can be generated for almost any area, including; neighborhoods, zip codes, cities, school attendance zones, and even custom areas you create and save on the map.

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