Why the Census Counts: RPR and REALTORS® Rely on Accurate Data

With everything going on in our country right now, it’s easy to understand why filling out the Census form may slip your mind. However, it’s a crucial process that can potentially affect everyone in the U.S.
RPR uses Census data every day, and every REALTOR® does, too. Access to accurate, up-to-date data about population and geographies is key to the real estate industry and real estate professionals.

The U.S. Census: Stats That Matter

Every decade, as written in the U.S. Constitution, a census of the population is taken. This extremely important tally helps determine several societal factors for the next ten years, including how:

  • Many seats each state gets in the House of Representatives
  • Congressional and state legislative district boundaries are drawn
  • Over $600 billion in federal funds are spent on state, county and community programs (and schools)
  • Real estate developers decide what areas to build new homes and revitalize old neighborhoods
  • Businesses and corporations decide where to build factories, offices and stores, which spurs job creation

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. For a complete list of all the benefits associated with filling out the 2020 Census form, visit census.gov.

® can Help Spread the Word About the 2020 Census

RPR and NAR want to remind REALTORS® how important the 2020 US Census is, and we encourage you to fill out your own survey. However, this “ask” doesn’t end with you—in fact, it starts with you! RPR users and REALTORS® are in a unique position to promote its completion.

As REALTORS®, you are an integral part of your local neighborhood, and your interactions with local boards and governments position you as a voice for real estate. NAR members are an influential group (over 1.4 million members strong). Please do your best to remind your community, contacts and colleagues about the Census and encourage them to complete it.

Any communication or messaging you deliver are perfect places to start. Consider including a section or call out in your next newsletter, eNewsletter, flyer, social media post, etc.

It’s easy to remind your friends, clients and sphere of influence to fill out their Census. And it doesn’t have to be too long, here’s a brief example you can use: “Please don’t forget to fill out your 2020 US Census form! Visit 2020census.gov for info.”

U.S. Census Contact Info

You can fill out the survey online at 2020census.gov, call 1-844-330-2020, or text “Respond Now” to 313131. The deadline is 10/31/2020. Please help us get the word out about the 2020 US Census!

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  1. Garry Frie August 11, 2020 at 5:24 pm - Reply

    The more accurate the information the better!

  2. OkinSama August 24, 2020 at 3:52 pm - Reply

    PLEASE get this information out to more Realtors!!
    I am a Census worker, and almost every time I call a Realtor’s number on the sign in front of a house I’m doing the Census questionnaire at, almost every time, they tell me “I can’t give you that information”. YES YOU CAN! WE NEED TO KNOW THAT INFO! They act like we’re asking personal info, to steal identities or something, we just want to know whether the house was occupied or vacant on April 1st, and if possible, how many people. That’s basically it, when we talk to a Proxy like a realtor. Census data is important for getting areas the funding they need.

  3. Odette Doe September 16, 2020 at 6:40 pm - Reply

    Information gives you a positive vibe and a good impact on the people that you’ve been working on. More accurate information will help each other parties gain trust.

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