3 for 3 listings: what makes this REALTOR® hit home runs

If Linda Fercodini played baseball, she’d be a top contender for the majors. Though, for now, she is one of the happiest and most productive REALTORS® in western Connecticut.

One week after taking her first swing at Realtors Property Resource® (RPR®), Linda hits it out of the park, scoring what we might call a perfect batting average in real estate––three for three listings in nearly seven days.

What’s more intriguing is that this self-proclaimed RPR rookie attributes her success to the platform’s comp analysis tool and seller’s report. “I’ve always seen the benefits of RPR, even though my MLS didn’t offer it to us,” said Linda. “The minute it came, I sat at my computer and taught myself how to use it. I did three RPR CMAs, presented them, and got all three listings.”

“This is without knowing every single in and out of RPR,” she added.

The first thing Linda did after creating her account (visit narrpr.com) was to customize her profile so that her photo, contact information and logo display on RPR reports. From there she jumped right into running comps for an upcoming listing presentation. She quickly learned how to choose her own and then used the platform’s Refine Value Tool for a more precise pricing strategy. “If my client has a remodeled kitchen, I can use that to refine the home’s value. It blows my mind!”

Next came the RPR Seller’s Report. Linda said being able to include/omit elements of the lengthy report is an added plus. She can also add her own pages, such as testimonials, a biography, etc. “I decide what goes into the report based on the needs and interests of my clients,” she said. “If someone is an analytical type, I include more data, charts and graphs. Others prefer the basics, so then I create a simplified version of the report.”

RPR’s CMA looks better than others programs. It’s easy to read and more user friendly. I have no doubt that my research and the beautiful reports got me those listings.”

Imagine where Linda’s business will go once she becomes fully acquainted with RPR. “I’m like a kid in a candy shop,” she exclaimed. “I’m eating it up!”

Published On: June 27th, 2018Last Updated: November 11th, 20201.9 min readCategories: Tips / StrategyTags: ,

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  1. David Czarnecki July 12, 2018 at 12:36 pm - Reply

    Hello Linda,
    Congratulations on your immediate success. I was wondering if you could help guide me. I am a new Realtor in West Michigan and am closing on my first sale within a week. This lead was given to me by a lender, so I haven’t gone out and begun to prospect for more business. I was previously a home inspector for 13 years and at the beginning I spent a lot of money to promote myself, that did not pan out. What would you recommend me to do to get going. Is their an agent tool kit that you would recommend that gives recommendations on how to promote myself. I guess what I’m asking is, how did you get started. I would appreciate any guidance from you. Again, congratulations on your success.

    • Bobbie Aversa July 16, 2018 at 6:25 pm - Reply


  2. mark July 16, 2018 at 9:48 am - Reply

    RPR Sellers report still does not allow for agent to include all the photos of the comparables. All the photos of the comparables are one thing the seller wants to see. I have asked RPR to make this simple change for 3 years. They do not listen to agents.

    • FD Bell July 26, 2018 at 12:38 pm - Reply

      When I find comps outside of RPR, I create a .pdf of details, pics, and my notes, then upload the .pdf to my RPR report. Shows at end of report.

  3. ANTONIO July 16, 2018 at 11:35 am - Reply

    HI LINDA: On all the years working on this business, no ONE gave to me nothing….If you got something LUCKY you….
    But working hard was my pay off…..cause I love this job.

  4. Klaus Sinn July 17, 2018 at 3:48 am - Reply

    Like the mobile app but unfortunately its not available gor windows a d therefore cant run it on my labtop tablet

    • Brentwood Bergmann July 17, 2018 at 11:54 am - Reply

      Hi Klaus this is Brentwood Bergmann from CB Real Estate in Nevada. I run Office 365 on my laptop and the RPR program works on mine, I have successfully ran numerous presentations and flyers with it.

  5. GB Wooten July 17, 2018 at 4:32 am - Reply

    Interesting … a “wealth of accreditations”, owner/broker, active association member, years of experience, ….and you give credit to RPR for your 3 of 3 listings? I am curious what your results were before using RPR.

    • Michelle Noel July 18, 2018 at 1:01 pm - Reply

      You noticed that too ;0)

      • Rick July 23, 2018 at 6:10 am - Reply

        Not to mention Realtor of the year in 1997..?

  6. Denise July 17, 2018 at 7:40 am - Reply

    I am new to selling real estate. It took me 7 months to close my first deal which was a family referral and not due to any of my self promoting and branding. I am trying to figure out how to gain listings with little experience in selling real estate. I’m going to try RPR and report the results.

  7. E Villarreal July 23, 2018 at 7:16 am - Reply

    hi guys , I would like to share my success using RPR . I been in real estate for less that one year yes I am very new on this , but since the very beginning I discovered RPR with a flyer in my board and got my attention, since day one I fall in love with all the tools and reports , so I start taking webinars and e books , and trainings from RPR page to learn more. I use a lot market analysis report to approach expired listings and FSBO I run that report and I go door by door giving a folder with this and more information about the process on working with a relator like me and what can I offer to them as Expo or FSBO. The market analysis report help me to show them some knowledge about the area , by telling them here is the new listings and some sold in your area so you can compare the price per sqfts and the competency out there , I also add to the folder my information and experience as realtor , and some marketing materials with the actual house picture to give them some motivation . I really like to help others so I also do only professional pictures and help them with home staging techniques to show the bets online . I got my first 5 listings doing that for one month . And now I am enjoying the results of hard work and I will have 3 closing this month and 3 next month between buyers and seller . As new agent the AVM also helped me to price properties , and understand the market , I can not imagine having this success with out RPR

    • Laurie Brown July 23, 2018 at 7:27 am - Reply

      Thanks for this great report! I just sent you an email to learn more about your success.

  8. Ervin July 29, 2018 at 8:25 am - Reply

    I’ve been doing Real Estate for 20 years sometimes on a part time basis and sometimes full time. I’m doing it full time now but it’s not bringing me the income that I want. Listings are down. How can you advise me to improve my listings? I’m in the Bronx New York.

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